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Best account for |
A savings account with all the conveniences such as online alerts, remote check deposit, and ACH transfers.
Everything you expect from a savings account, with one key difference: the greater your balance, the more you earn.
Balance requirement fee |
The fee is waived each statement cycle if ONE of the conditions is met:
The daily balance is $100.00 or more; OR
A daily minimum balance of $10,000.00 in any combination of this account and linked qualifying accounts1
The fee is waived each statement cycle if ONE of the conditions is met:
The daily balance is $5,000.00 or more; OR
A daily minimum balance of $10,000.00 in any combination of this account and linked qualifying accounts1
Minimum opening deposit |
$100.00 |
$5,000.002 |
Interest bearing account |
Free direct deposit |
Free ATM withdrawals at over 55,000 AllPoint Network and Citibank Branch ATM locations |
Online banking with mobile app and account alerts |
Mobile app check deposit3 |
1Qualifying accounts include Community Checking, Community Savings, universal Tiered Checking, Universal Tiered Savings, Certificate of Deposit, and Individual Retirement Accounts. Exclude promotional products.
Promotional products are account types with an Annual Percentage Yield (APY) higher than the Bank’s Consumer Posted Rates, will require a minimum balance to earn the APY, a minimum opening deposit, the interest rate may change after the opening of the account and the promotion is offered for a limited time.
2The initial deposit must be new money from another financial institution.
3Must enroll in Universal Bank Online Banking and activate mobile app. Certain restrictions and other limitations may apply.
Consumer Schedule of Fees and Charges
Consumer Rate Sheet